“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”- Walt Disney

So, let's quit talking about it and get up and move.  Sounds easy, right?  It is anything but easy. 

My weight fluctuates often.  I have height on my side.  I can hide extra weight easier. 

However, when I weighed close to 200 pounds years ago, I REALLY struggled to take it off.  I had a sit-down job, a child, and a full-time job.  Who the heck has time for working out?  

If you read Let's Talk Anxiety, you know I lost my husband.  I had so much stress and anxiety afterwards I didn't need to focus on weight. It fell off without effort.  But obviously, that is not the right way to do it!

Side note:  I found yoga in my 40s.  That was a lifesaver.  Not only did I tone up, but it helped my anxiety.  

Anyway, for some people, it requires more.  It really starts with your mind.  If you think you are trapped in this body, then that is exactly what will happen.  If you think, hey, I can do more.  I can start out with baby steps.  I can BELIEVE in my mind that I CAN do this."  Guess what?  You just accomplished something!  You are on the first step to becoming healthier.  By the way, don't pay attention to the scales!  If you consumed a lot of water that day, it will show you gained weight.  Ignore her. She's a liar!

If you need a boost, I have something for you.  If possible, I try everything before I promote it. (I'm not going to promote a bunch of junk!)  I tried Alpilean.  I have taken it for 2 weeks and I am down 4 pounds. I have not changed my diet at all.  I walk almost every night.  But due to hip issues, I have not been able to walk whenever I feel like it.  Blah!

I needed help in the energy department too.  Lupus kicks my butt.  I have lost weight, I have more energy, and I feel better overall.  Alpilean contains turmeric (helps with inflammation), Ginger, African Mango, and B12.  I am sensitive to caffeine, so I stay away from the supplements that has a lot of caffeine.

I will add the link here if you would like to give it a try.  If it does not allow you to click it, you can copy and paste it and place the link in your search engine.


I wish you all the best on your journey to becoming healthier.  Remember, it does not matter what the scales say.  Eating healthier foods, cut back on sugar and processed foods, go for a walk - all this will help.  Drink more water too!

Much love and success!


I usually do not give out my email, but I will because I feel I should.  If you would like to share your journey with me, please feel free.  I will help you as much as I can!
